Restorator Role In Conserving Library Collections

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A human curator who carry out one of the basic tasks in Government Agencies such as Archive, Library, Museum, History and Antiquities and other information centers. Predicate conservator achieved through a formal and non-formal education, so has the qualifications, degrees and has a code of ethics and clear job descriptions.
Diperpustakaan professional conservator is needed in the task of preserving library materials library collections.This relates to the role of libraries in circulating library materials in order to remain sustainable and utilized continuously.
Tasks that become a burden conservators undertake the task of preventive conservation and curative conservation. One important aspect in implementing the tasks of conservation at the Library is a collection of how empowering to be able to optimally support library services despite limited role behind the scenes alone.
In tasks such as conservators have the role of a Restorator in which there partly served as a binder substance library (book binder). As a general overview of the duties and functions of a library Restorator and bookbinding materials (book binder) in conservation activities is like the diagram below:
understanding Conservator
Conservator word in Wikipedia are professional workers who carry out the conservation of a specific object or objects. With the increasing modern conservation techniques, conservators use some specifications in the object type is handled, such as for painting, paper, textiles, furniture, rare books, photographic, archaeological or ethnographic.
Conservator more likely to work in private to a museum, library or institution. Profession Conservator paper / books for libraries in particular are still very rare, but is needed in the task of preserving library materials library collections.
This relates to the role of libraries in circulating library materials to be utilized on an ongoing basis. To the Indonesian government attention for its preservation is realized by the issuance of Law No.07 of 1971 concerning the Principal Archives, Law No. 50 of 1992 on Cultural Property.
Library materials that are too often used of course have an impact on fragility and damage that eventually need to be addressed in a way which conservation is one aspect in the concept of conservation or preservation of library materials.
Conservation in Libraries
Indonesia's conservation work has not been widely recognized, in contrast to western countries like the United States, Canada, European countries and Australia, the conservator power has been recognized a long time and function and are divided into several groups conservator namely the conservator papers / books, painting conservators, conservator textiles, ethnographic conservators, conservator of wood, stone conservator and curator of architecture which are subdivided into several groups according to the level of expertise of each.
Literally Definition of conservation itself is the same as the "preservation" means Conservation and preservation when associated with library science is: "in library science, preservation is treated as an active and intentional process, as opposed to the passive sense of preservation that MIGHT be applied to paleontological or archaeological finds ... Simple (2012)
But the purpose is the same, namely to preserve library materials from the content of scientific information is recorded and converted mediakan and preserve the original physical form of library and archival materials that can be used in the fullest possible bentu (Dureau and Clements, 1990).
Conservator is a person conducting maintenance on objects or collections to be used properly.
Among the conservation experts who have a big role in the field of conservation is a chemist William Barrow and paper conservation of America (1904-1967) and an expert in the field of conservation libraries and archives, in 1933 introduced the conservation of deasidifikasi (deacidification) paper through alkalization (alkalization).
Conservation activities in the library is diverse but the magnitude is divided into three groups namely kurativf and preventive conservation and restoration.
Preventive conservation is a precaution against damage library materials of various kinds of destructive factors, whether human, insect or nature. Besides the environmental control measures are needed on a regular basis, especially for the collection belonging to rare collections and special collections.
The key to the factor to consider is the environment that includes temperature, insects, as well as pollution and excessive lighting.
Curative conservation measures include a variety of handling and treatment methods and handling techniques that have been determined. Restoration is the corrective action library materials were severely damaged in order to return to its original state.
This is in accordance with the draft manuscript conservator at the library positions whose job is to repair or restore the library materials were severely damaged.
Improvement of library materials must be done by a Restorator by dismantling binding books, then do the treatment paper handling, such as removing blemishes, patching, connect, perform bleaching paper (bleaching), or the specific treatment related to conservation issues.
In the restoration work there is the role of a bookbinder (book binder) that perform tasks stapling return library materials that have been dismantled, and then rebinding in order to restore their original physical form. Usually a collection of restored is peprustakaan material that has high value information such as antique books, manuscripts or books that have value seajarah.
In addition to materials perpustakaaan the form of books, restoration is also done against other library collections such as photos, drawings, paintings, maps or a microfilm and, unfortunately in Indonesia is still very rare these activities are done because of the lack of human resources in the overall preservation activities.
At first glance similar to the duties of a Restorator Bookbinding (book binder) but on this issue there is little question that bothered about the difference bookbinding by repairing books (restoration of books) did the same?
Restorator able to perform activities of repair books and has expertise in the field, the goal is to make books destroyed / severely damaged to be used again and restore almost close to its original form. It is like it has been argued by Bernard C. Middleton in book
"The Restorations of Leather Binding" (1972): The purpose of the book restorer, as I understand, is to make-worn or damage books usable again, and to restore them as nearly as he can to Reviews their life as much as possible.
Experience, intelligence and a strong imagination should be combined if you want to succeed with successful restoration work. While bookbinders (book binder) just do the binding on the book that was disassembled and repaired kertasnaya page by page.
In the draft the details of the duties of office Conservator Library (Razak, 2012) explained that the duties of a conservator include preventive and curative tasks. Elaboration of these tasks include covering tasks - tasks:
• make documentation of the collection in the form of written notes, photos before, while and after conservation, including the record of the condition of the collection, treatment proposals, implementation reports and recommendations to be used in the arrangement of the collection.
• Implement preventive conservation (maintenance) on the collection, the Conservator must try to prevent damage to the collection of library materials by controlling their environment, storage, use and handling.Conservator should be able to maintain, improve collections skill levels each - each with a high standard.
• Implement restoration (repair) on the collection that was broken (Broken, broken, cracked, torn, perforated, missing parts, etc.). Memodifikaasi materials and structures with collections coming close to its original state.This was done to preserve the aesthetic value and historical value of the collection tersebut.Dalam tuga-task to carry out the restoration of which include the repair of the collection with a collection of books that bind back was broken in order to be utilized.

Restoratorasi Perpustakaaan Collection from Disaster

The disaster is a matter that can not be foreseeable by humans, and it can occur anywhere within the library environment is no exception, but a disaster can be prevented by always responsive to the things that lead to more severe damage.
Collections that were damaged as a result of a disaster or due to aging so that the situation does not allow for administered at pemustaka needs to be addressed by way of restoration conducted by experts in the field of conservation, or commonly known as conservator in this case is the Restorator who specialize in the repair and recovery of materials libraries that have suffered severe damage.
As an illustration concrete restoration activities, the National Library of Florence Italy in 1966 because of flooding of the Arno River has damaged and soak collection of rare books owned by them as high as 15 feet to the detriment of hundreds of thousands of collection is a Restorator named Peter Water has led to the development of laboratory restoration and a new method in the field of conservation, earning the nickname the angel mud ( "mud angels") for the restoration of thousands of books and papers.
Things like this never happens in Indonesia during the Tsunami disaster that hit Aceh in 2004 conservator of the Library Nasioanal RI had taken part in the rescue of documents were destroyed and badly damaged submerged by mud and flood. Mr.Sakamoto of Japan joint team from the National Library Preservation Center go jump directly address the issue of handling the restoration of library materials damaged and ravaged.
Restoration and Repair Materials Library
The staff in the library daily directly related to the collection obtained was administered at the pemustaka.Periodically the technical section at the Centre for preservation will find a collection of conditions that need to be addressed because it is defective in the sense that the fragile paper and bindings like loose stitching, missing its cover and so on.
All types of damage that occurred is a result of the consequences of collection services in the implementation of library materials. The fact the field collection of library materials that were damaged will worsen if not promptly treated, because the collections of the library must have experienced many cases of damage or brittleness caused by several factors which influenced the collection conditions.
Besides humans' treatment of library materials such as shelving or placement of materials in the library shelves very influential as well. In the "Principles for the Preservation and Conservation of Library Materials" produced by The International Revew Team for Conservation and Preservation (1989), stated that the purpose of preservation and conservation is to conserve and preserve the information content of the original physical form so that it can be used.
Perception of people during that think if a book / collection damaged can buy again because they are sold in bookstores why should think about conservation? For collections that are still circulating in the market may not be important to consider issues of conservation or restoration,
But what if the collection is not sold in the market because it is not reprinted by the publisher due to various factors such as already uncurrent or not up to date anymore alias library are categorized as rare or antique books.
From the test results preservation policy is as follows: (in http; /
1.       When the book was published in the period from 1850, should be a concern for staff within the meaning into the category of rare books or antique books.
2.       If the paper from the collection of the already fragile, should be given on the part of the coordinator and Copied to then be recorded in the administration of preservation as a book entry of data preservation priorities.
3.       Results photocopy then bound, while the original book is returned to the coordinator (the person in charge / collection service)
4.       Once the copy is finished stapled submitted to the coordinator for dichek then quickly substitute dibikinkan
Binding activity in the restoration included in the conservation activities which include improvement of library materials damaged by binding back so that she could be like the original. It required technical knowledge in order to bind the quality binding way consistent with the intent and purpose as well as the shape of the binding can be realized to the fullest.
Policies to bind the library materials should ideally be through procedures and procedures as workflow that should be made between the libraries and binders (book binder) in order to achieve maximum results.
It is conceivable if the condition of the library collections are broken and not handled properly of course this will disturb pemustaka in reading and library services itself. One example of a book that requires the handling and improved bindery Restorator is as shown below.
Qualification of Human Resources Conservator
Conservation still overlaps with the technicians, craftsmen or artists so often despised and sometimes the work of a conservator is in control of a curator, librarian and archivist.
Is a constraint on the library may not have the human resources that can be relied upon as the conservation activities undertaken by scientists, anthropologists and artists working in governmental agencies that have received additional education and training both within and outside the country.
And with the post of curator of the library will enrich functional positions existing as librarians, archivists, planning, etc.
To get the post of conservator and do the work of conservation areas should at least have a formal education with a degree / diploma then follow additional education and official training both inside and outside the country to get a passing mark.
Is a major challenge in the field of preservation because until now these facts preservation issues are still very limited in most of Library Science Education curriculum, because there are still very few places or institutions that carry out special education on preservation education.
Examples of educational institutions preservation can be found at the American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Work (http; //; International Centre for the study of Preservervation and Restoration of Cultural Property (ICCROM) (http; //
But there is still one resource development institutions, namely the preservation of the Northeast Document Conservation Center (NEDCC) which was established in 1973 on the basis of his reaction to the problem of the fragility of the paper in the British territory.
These institutions bear the institutions or organizations such as librarians, conservators, and professional areas of the museum to assist in learning about the care and preservation of the collection procedure.
The organization also offers assistance in planning disaster prevention, by organizing trainings, workshops and conferences online. Meanwhile in the "Design Academic About Functional Conservator" for the professional development of conservators positions that can be done include:
1.       Make a scientific paper in the form of books, magazines, and papers
2.       Make translations or adaptations
3.       Make a technical manual on the conservation of collections
4.       Developing new techniques to conserve
5.       Guiding more junior conservator.
Code in Conservation
Each profession or position that his name is certain to have a certain code of conduct that must be observed by the incumbents or persons with the relevant profession. In Wikipedia stated that the code of ethics is an ethical order which has been agreed by a particular group of people.
The code of conduct is generally included in the social norm, but when there is a code of conduct that has a rather severe sanction, then fall into the category of legal norms. It is essential for the purpose of the code of conduct, in order to provide professional services as well as possible to users or customers.
The existence of a code of conduct will protect the unprofessional actions. Problems of this code has been issued by the institution called The AIC Code of Ethics and Guidelines for Practice by issuing a statement: "The conservation professional should be Cognizant of law and regulation that may have a bearing on professional activity.
Among These are Reviews those laws and regulation concerning the rights of artists and their estates, occupational health and safety, sacred and religious material, excavated obyect, endangered species, human Werner, and stolen property ".
For that conservators need to understand some kind of code of conduct in handling such work is, must have the high moral responsibility, so in implementing the task will always be careful and do not break the rules or code of conduct therein.
A conservator has a particular obligation to preserve the cultural heritage objects that retain the authenticity of the object / collection is generally unique, historical value, aesthetic value, religious, social economy.
Those values ​​are determined by the manner of making, evidence of historical documents, usability, etc., and must implement appropriate labor standards and follow certain procedures on individual objects of cultural heritage that will be addressed for heritage items are not damaged.
Therefore, before doing the work of a conservator be required to document their work by recording all the details darisebuah cultural works, records of testing and refinement are in- trinsic.
These records should be kept and cared for and accessible sepermanen kembali.Selain tu conservator should be responsible for the Agency Place of Work namely maintenance and repair of cultural objects or collections with work as well as possible so that objects of cultural heritage or collections being handled sustainably.
After that create research reports collection of conditions that will be used for documentation purposes as a basis to prepare plans for conservation and for the evaluation of the results of the work in the future.
Other ethical code which is owned by the conservator also includes a code of conduct in relations among staff, implementation of conservation that explains how the rules -aturan in implementing technical conservation.
Conservation is one part of the workflow issues of preservation of library materials. Conservation in order to preserve the information content and physical form of library materials. In activities of library materials conservation there is a big enough role of a Restorator assisted by peprustakaan binder material (book binder).
From the description of the conservation and restoration of library materials in all its aspects libraries need to improve human resources that exist in order to gain additional knowledge and insight in preserving the existing collection to support the function of the library service by continuing to provide a collection of ready-made in a decent state and intact.
It is possible that we also need more depth will be any form of development of new innovations in the field of conservation of the library whether the conservation of books, pictures, photo, painting or audio-visual materials and microfilm to not only focus on one kind of technical and method are limited.
Expansion needs to be done on an ongoing basis so that if the system should not longer be used as a guideline in conducting good working facilities and infrastructure that need to be evaluated and reviewed.
Predicate conservator achieved through a formal and non-formal education, qualification levels and the code of conduct is required as a standard clear job descriptions such as functional positions such as librarians, archivists etc.
Clement, David.1985. Preservation of library collection. Paris: UNESCO. Conservation and preservation at the National Library of Indonesia: A report by the International Revew Team for conservation and preservation.1989. Jakarta: National Library.
Greenfield, Jane. 1984. Books: their care and repair. London: Library of Congress.
Johnson, Arthur W. 1981. Manual of Binding. London: Thames and Hudson. Knowledge of Basic Vocational Bookbinding. 1983. Jakarta: Indonesian Graphic Center.
Professional Archive, Book binding, conservation and Restoration supplies.http; // www.talas 05/06/2008).
Razak, Muhammadin..2012. The design on the Functional Academic Conservator. Jakarta: National Library
Conservator-restoration.2005 http; // en wiki / conservator_ (museum) accessible 04/12/013
Middleton, Bernard C.1972. The Restoration of Leather Bindings. Chicago: American Library Association.

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