Read the text to answer question 1

1.      What does the notice mean?
A.            The guests are suggested to check out at 12 to get additional room's charge.
B.            The guests will pay extra bill due to checking out after 12 noon.
C.           No guest is allowed to check out after 12 o'clock.
D.           It is a must for every guest to check out at 12.

Read the text to answer question 2

To: Dewi
I've got news that my grandmother is sick and hospitalized, so my family and I have to visit her immediately. Therefore, I cannot attend the class tomorrow. Would you mind submitting my report to Mr. Joe? ( It will due to tomorrow). Thanks for your kindness.

2.      What should Dewi do?
A.    Ask permission to the teacher.
B.     Help Aldi to submit his project.
C.     Tell the class that Aldi is absent.
D.    Visit the grandmother with Aldi.

Read the text to answer questions 3 and 4
All Students of Grade 9
You are invited to:

Day/Date : Saturday, the fifth of July
two thousand and ten
Time : 7pm – 10 pm
Venue : Ball Room Sultana Hotel
Jl. Sudirman  kav.  10 – 12 Surabaya

*Invitation card available at OSIS room.


3.      Where will the graduation party be held?
A.    At Osis room.
B.     On Sudirman street.
C.     At Global JHS.
D.    At Ball room Sultana Hotel.

4.      How long is the farewell party carried out?
A.    2 hours.
B.     3 hours.
C.     4 hours.
D.    5 hours

Read the text and answer questions 5 and 6.

Dear Bima,

Congratulations on your success
to be the best photographer journalist 2009

The manager and staff of
The JJ Daily Post

5.    What is Bima ? He is … .
A.     a journalist of a magazine.
B.      a journalist of a newspaper.
C.      a photographer of a magazine.
D.     a photographer journalist of a newspaper.

6.      The text is written in order to … .
A.       announce people to give praise to Bima
B.        invite people to come to JJ Daily Post
C.        inform people about a photographer
D.     congratulate Bima on his success

To     :
RE     : Planning 4 holiday
Date : June, 29th 2009

Hi, Akmal. How’s life? We’re going to have a long holiday this summer, aren’t we? What are u going to do? U know summer is a good time for camping and hiking. We plan to go to Salak mountain. It’s a nice place for camping and hiking, and also for fishing. There’s a river near campsite. But I’m not really keen on it. At night we’ll sit around the fire and sing songs. Why don’t u join us? It’ll be more fun if u come. Let me know soon.

Your friend

7.        What activities is Denise going to do in the long holiday?
A.          Camping and hiking.
B.           Camping and fishing.
C.           Camping, hiking and fishing.
D.          Camping, hiking, singing, and sitting around fire.

8.        Why are they going to go to Salak mountain?
A.          It’s a summer season.
B.           It’s a nice place for holiday.
C.           They’re going to camp and hike.
D.          They’re going to fish in the river.

Read the following text to answer questions 9 and 10.
To : All Marketing Managers
There will be a meeting this afternoon January 4th 2010 at 01.30 pm . The meeting will discuss the customers’ orders.
Please bring the documents needed.
                                 Thank You
                                   Secretary Director
9.         What will be discussed in the meeting?
A.          The customers’ order.
B.           The customers’ needed.
C.           The customers’ documents.
D.          The customers' manager.
10.          Who will attend the meeting?
A.       Customers.
B.        All marketing managers.
C.        Secretary director and all managers.
D.       Director, secretary  and all marketing managers.

Read the following text to answer questions 11 and 12
Visit Tamansari
You will find a unique atmosphere of the past periods. 

Tamansari is an interesting place to visit. Many tourists come to Tamansari to find a unique atmosphere of the past periods. It is located about 2 km south of Yogyakarta Palace and was built by Portuguese architect. Besides the location is very closed to the Sultan palace, Tamansari has its own specialty in attraction reflecting in some unimpaired ancient building and its atmosphere as the main tourist object of Yogyakarta.
The Tamansari complex consists of:
1.  The Sacred Room
As a hermitage place for the Sultan and his family.
2. The Bathing Pool
A pleasure place for the royal family. Consists of
two bathing pool that are separated with a 2-storey building. The water sprouts from a forming animal statue into the pool. The pool is also adorned with some big flowerpot.
3.  Kenanga or Cemeti Island
This part compounds of some buildings such as Kenanga or Cemeti Island (forming Island), Sumur Gemuling and underground tunnels. This artificial island is a high building used as resting room and reconnoitering place. This will be the only building surfaced when the canals opened and the water over flew this area. From the higher place it looks like lotus floating in the middle of big pool.

11.     Tamansari is an interesting place to visit. Because …
A.          it was built by Portuguese architect.
B.           it’s very closed to the Sultan Palace.
C.           it compounds of some ancient buildings.
D.          it has a unique atmosphere of the past periods.

12.     The following place is a place where Sultan lives alone for praying. It’s … .
A.          the Sacred room
B.           the Sultan Palace
C.           the Bathing pool
D.          Kenanga or Cemeti Island

Secretolytic agent
5 ml Elixir bromhexine HCL 4 mg.

For productive cough i.e to influenza, flu, cough in acute/chronic, bronchitis, and asthma.

Adult and children > 10 year        : 3 x 2 tsp.
Children 5 - 10 years                       : 3 x 1 tsp.
Children 2 - 5 years                          : 3 x 1/2 tsp.
Children < 2 years                            : 3 x 1/4 tsp.
Or according to doctor's prescription.
The elixir is suitable for diabetic patients, since it does not contain sugar.
Store in a safe place out of reach of children.

Adapted from leaflet of Bisolvon Elixir

Read the text to answer questions 13 to 15

13.        What is the purpose of the text written?
A.    To tell how to drink cough syrup.
B.     To give detail information of the product.
C.     To inform the composition of cough syrup.
D.    To describe the usage of cough syrup.

14.      “ Or according to doctor’s prescription
    The underlined word has same meaning as … .
A.          recommendation
B.           analyzes
C.           recipe
D.          advice

15.      Why is the diabetic patient allowed to drink this medicine? Because….
A.       it contains sugar
B.        it is free from sugar
C.        it has good composition

D.       it is safe for all the disease

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