Bagi anak anak yang belajar sistem kerangka tubuh kelas 4 SD kelas 2 SMP kelas 2 SMA ini ada nama tulang dan latihannya mungkin postingan ini bisa membantu untuk menghafalnya OK semoga berguna dan sukses selalu
A. 14
B. 22
C. Too many to count
2. Anchoring site for neck muscles
A. Mastoid process
B. Interosseous membrane
C. Foramen Magnum
3. The medial bone of the forearm
A. Ulna
B. Radius
C. Humerus
4. The most anterior part of the cranium
A. Frontal Bone
B. Parietal Bone
C. Occipital Bone
D. Mandible Bone
E. Sphenoid Bone
F. Temporal Bone
G. Ethmoid Bone
5. Abormal projection from a bone due to bony overgrowth
A. Achondroplasia
B. Bony Spur
C. Ostealgia
D. Osteogensis imperfecta
E. Osteomyelitis
F. Osteosarcoma
6. this bone is in the posterior thorax
A. Patella
B. Scapula
C. Ilium
7. The lateral bone of the leg
A. Tibia
B. Fibula
C. Femur
8. Inflammation of bone and bone marrow
A. Achondroplasia
B. Bony Spur
C. Ostealgia
D. Osteogensis imperfecta
E. Osteomyelitis
F. Osteosarcoma
9. Forms the bony area betewen the nasal cavity and the orbits
A. Frontal Bone
B. Parietal Bone
C. Occipital Bone
D. Mandible Bone
E. Sphenoid Bone
F. Temporal Bone
G. Ethmoid Bone
10. Inferior part of the nasal septum
A. Lacrimal
B. Palatine
C. Vomer
D. Nasal
E. Inferior Nasal Conchae
11. The lower jawbone
A. Maxilla
B. Mandible
C. Maxwell
12. The superior region of the coaxal bone
A. Ischium
B. Ilium
C. Coccyx
13. The central wedge that articulates with all other cranial bones
A. Sphenoid
B. Ethmoid
C. Mastoid
14. This encloses the pituitary gland
A. Frontal Bone
B. Parietal Bone
C. Occipital Bone
D. Mandible Bone
E. Sphenoid Bone
F. Temporal Bone
G. Ethmoid Bone
15. The bone of the thigh
A. Tibia
B. Fibula
C. Femur
16. Inflammation of bony tissue
A. Achondroplasia
B. Bony Spur
C. Ostealgia
D. Osteogensis imperfecta
E. Osteomyelitis
F. Osteosarcoma
17. The membrane between the fibula and tibia
A. Mastoid process
B. Interosseous membrane
C. Foramen Magnum
18. Form the bridge of the nose
A. Lacrimal
B. Palatine
C. Vomer
D. Nasal
E. Inferior Nasal Conchae
19. The shin bone
A. Fibula
B. Tibia
C. Femur
20. Fibrous membranes that help brain growth in the fetus and infant
A. Follicles
B. Fontanelles
C. Foramen
21. a brittle bone disease
A. Achondroplasia
B. Bony Spur
C. Ostealgia
D. Osteogensis imperfecta
E. Osteomyelitis
F. Osteosarcoma
22. Forms the base of the skull
A. Frontal Bone
B. Parietal Bone
C. Occipital Bone
D. Mandible Bone
E. Sphenoid Bone
F. Temporal Bone
G. Ethmoid Bone
23. A congetial condiotion involving defective cartilage and bone growth so that the limbs are too short. A form of dwarfism.
A. Achondroplasia
B. Bony Spur
C. Ostealgia
D. Osteogensis imperfecta
E. Osteomyelitis
F. Osteosarcoma
24. The upper jawbone
A. Maxilla
B. Mandible
C. Maxwell
25. This encloses the external ear
A. Frontal Bone
B. Parietal Bone
C. Occipital Bone
D. Mandible Bone
E. Sphenoid Bone
F. Temporal Bone
G. Ethmoid Bone
26. The keystone bones of the face that form the upper jaw and parts of the hard palate, orbits, and nasal cavity walls.
A. Mandible
B. Zygomatic
C. Maxilla
27. The mastoid process involves this bone
A. Frontal Bone
B. Parietal Bone
C. Occipital Bone
D. Mandible Bone
E. Sphenoid Bone
F. Temporal Bone
G. Ethmoid Bone
28. Forms the anterior portion of the os coxae
A. Coccyx
B. Pubis
C. Ilium
29. the skeletal system accounts for what percent of body mass
A. 10%
B. 20%
C. 33%
30. This bone forms most of the bony area between the nasal cavity and the orbits
A. Sphenoid
B. Ethmoid
C. Mastoid
31. This encloses the external ear
A. Frontal Bone
B. Parietal Bone
C. Occipital Bone
D. Mandible Bone
E. Sphenoid Bone
F. Temporal Bone
G. Ethmoid Bone
32. A form of bone cancer common in those 10-25 years of age.
A. Achondroplasia
B. Bony Spur
C. Ostealgia
D. Osteogensis imperfecta
E. Osteomyelitis
F. Osteosarcoma
33. The medial walls of each orbit
A. Lacrimal
B. Palatine
C. Vomer
D. Nasal
E. Inferior Nasal Conchae
34. Forms the bulk of the cranial ceiling
A. Frontal Bone
B. Parietal Bone
C. Occipital Bone
D. Mandible Bone
E. Sphenoid Bone
F. Temporal Bone
G. Ethmoid Bone
35. The large hole through which the brain connects with the spinal cord
A. Mastoid process
B. Interosseous membrane
C. Foramen Magnum
36. Coxal bone is another name for the os coxae, or hip bones.
A. True
B. False
37. The medial bone of the leg
A. Tibia
B. Fibula
C. Femur
38. The lateral bone of the forearm
A. Ulna
B. Radius
C. Humerus
39. L-shapped nasal cavity bone that is formed by perpendicular and horizontal plates
A. Lacrimal
B. Palatine
C. Vomer
D. Nasal
E. Inferior Nasal Conchae
40. The only facial bone that does not articulate with the maxilla
A. Frontal Bone
B. Parietal Bone
C. Occipital Bone
D. Mandible Bone
E. Sphenoid Bone
F. Temporal Bone
G. Ethmoid BoneTRY AGAIN
1. All of the following are functions of the skeletal system EXCEPT
A. support
B. blood cell production
C. calcium storage
D. excretion
2. The shaft of a long bone is called
A. epiphysis.
B. diaphysis.
C. periosteum.
D. endosteum.
3. Osteoclasts
A. deposit calcium into bone.
B. destroy bone matrix.
C. are a type of white blood cell.
D. A and C are correct.
4. Fat is stored in
A. compact bone.
B. spongy bone.
C. red bone marrow.
D. yellow bone marrow.
5. All of the following are facial bones EXCEPT
A. nasal bone
B. maxilla
C. mandible
D. ethmoid bone
6. Which of the following is a cranial bone?
A. vomer bone
B. lacrimal bone
C. zygomatic bone
D. sphenoid bone
7. The bone that does not articulate with any other bone is the
A. vomer bone.
B. zygomatic bone.
C. hyoid bone.
D. ethmoid bone.
8. All of the following are bones of the thorax EXCEPT
A. clavicle
B. sternum
C. true ribs
D. false ribs
9. The pelvic girdle consists of the
A. humerus and radius.
B. ulna and radius.
C. hip bones.
D. clavicle and scapula.
10. The bone of the upper arm is the
A. radius.
B. ulna.
C. humerus.
D. femur
- D
- B
- B
- D
- D
- D
- C
- A
- C
- C
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